Thursday, October 27, 2011


     "How we going to do this?" asked Charles as he sat down beside Henry.
     Henry hissed "How many times do I have to tell you we can't talk about this in an open area. I don't want any guards or fellow convicts to over hear us."
     "I know you said we cant talk about it in the open but I just don't understand how this is going to work!" stated Charles, "How are we supposed to get over the fence? Wont a guard see us? They are always watching."
     "Well they are going to spot us now if you don't stop talking about it."
     Charles' face light up with excitement "I got an idea! How about I distract the guards when you crawl over the fence then come back to distract them while I climb over!"
     "That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard!" retorted Henry. "You want me to escape from jail then sneak back into jail while you escape? That just doesn't work."
    "Oh, well I didn't think about that part." sighed Charles
    "Hold on. You're on to something." Henry thought out loud.
    "I am?"
    Henry just smiled at Charles who looked very confused. "Yes, we need to enlist in some help. We need someone else to distract the guards while we escape."
     "Okay!" agreed Charles " Wait, who is going to help us?"
     "Well we're going to have to find someone." decided Henry as he stood up.
George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked...
     "Well," Curley's wife exclaimed "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Curley's wife inched closer to George.
     "Yes long time no see! How have you been? I haven't seen you since god knows when!" inquired George as he gave her a friendly hug.
     "Well," hesitated Curley's wife, "as you know I went to the coast to pursue my dream of acting, however I needed a job to help pay my rent and it got to much for me to handle. I burnt my candle at both ends trying to land a steady acting job yet working a normal job to pay rent so I gave up and moved back here to settled down" George stepped back stunned.
     "Woah, that is not the girl I remember. Okay I'm going to tell you something, you might not like me right now but someday you will thank me for this. You need to leave this ranch and Curley and sink your teeth back into your dream."
     "Really? Your one to talk. What happened to settling down and taking the plunge of marriage?" Curleys wife questioned.
     "Yes well there was a girl and we were engaged for a bit until she left me at the altar because she thought she could do better and ran off with the rancher's son who had a face only a mother could love. I tried to convince her to stay, I really tried but as the old swamper would say if you love something set it free."
     "Well she will come to realize that all that all that glitter is not gold when it comes to marrying a rancher's son. Believe me, I should know." said Curley's wife trying to comfort George, who had tears streaming down his face "George it will work out, there is light at the end of the tunnel."
     "Your right!" realized George. "This is just a bump in the road on the way to happiness." All of a sudden the barn door burst open.
     "You better say your prayers George. That's my wife your talking to!" Curley demanded, guns blazing, as he started to trudged over to George and his wife. "You are in hot water!"
      "You need to show him the door" whispered George to Curleys wife, "Do you really want this to be your life? Controlled by your husband?" Curley was edging closer to the two childhood friends.
     "Your right!" she whispered to George.
     "Curley!" shouted his wife "Get lost! I don't want to see you ever again! We are over!" Curley stopped where he was and looked at his wife.
     "No were not done. I'll change!" pleaded Curley "Please just don't leave me."
     "No I need to do this. I need to follow my dream." Curley's wife decided. "Lets blow this joint George." She grabbed his hand and marched out the door. When they were outside George smiled and looked at his old friend and said
"Well I guess we are back at square one."