Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear Santa...

Rebecca Oliver
2102 Darg Lane
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 3W1

February 15, 2011

Santa Claus
Toy Maker
Santa Workshop, North Pole

Dear Santa. I think I have been very good this year; in fact, I have improved! I have handed in all my assignments one week late instead of two weeks. I also haven't really be that late to school either. Only like half an hour at the most. My trumpet skills have gone through the roof this year as I actually practiced for the Christmas concert. My room has been this cleanest yet as I can somewhat see the floor again. I also let my brother beat me in Mario cart just so he can feel good about himself, while we're talking about video games, you should know that I have put my school work ahead of my Zelda gaming time. I also finally got my N! What can I say 3rd times the charm.
I really really want new sweaters but not expensive ones from Aritzia, Value Village works for me. A dictionary would be really nice so the next time I have to face paint it on my forehead I actually know how to spell grad. Ooh a elf that would put all my sheets of paper into the actual rings of my binder would be so good for me this year. That way when it falls out of the locker it wont fly everywhere and my locker wont have to clean it all up all the time. I also want a GPS tracking device to put in my binder because people hide it on me often and ill be able to find it really easily. Also some social skills would be nice so when I'm at parties I wont just sit in a corner or lie behind a couch and just babble to myself. A lemonade making kit would be helpful too so that I don't have to attempt to make my own lemonade, I always hate it when i put too much sugar in, or worse, not enough. I would also like a destiny's child CD so I know what survivor is suppose to sound like.

If you give me at least one of my demands I promise I will keep believing in you.
Thanks a Ton
Ps. I'll leave cookies

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


     An aged man was the only inhabitant at the vacant bar. As I slid up beside him and ordered a drink, he acknowledged my presence with an absent glance. The stories his steel blue eyes held could challenge a storyteller. As he turned his head and went back to staring at nothing in particular, I caught a glimpse of the hard work etched into the wrinkles he wore around his eyes. Like moths drawn to a lamp post, the cigarette smoke curled around his head. As he took a drag of his dying cigarette he sputtered out a cough and wheezed to no one in particular, "These things will kill me."
    Slowly he moved his arm, cracking with arthritis, to his cheek, and relaxed his sandpaper skin against it.  I noticed his worn out boots caked with mud and dirt, when he slumped off the stool to leave. As he limped to the door I just stared at him depressing every second as this man teetered on like a toddler learning to walk.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Collage Application

I am Evyn Haberstock, yes the Evyn Haberstock. I understand that you are wanting a list of achievements but I have an abundant amount of achievements and to go over every single one would take me about 3 years with no breaks; so to save you the time, I will just name a few.

            Perhaps you have seen any one of the James Bond movies? Those are based on my Sundays. Kobe Bryant looks to me for inspiration during our Wednesday night pick up games. The sun only comes out when I tell it to. Its hard for me to walk anywhere due to the swarming of my adoring fans, which reminds me, I still need to get a restraining order for Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. They seem to despise singers that can actually sing. I can also design clothes better then Vera Wang,  I can pick up any language in less then a day and I can find Waldo as I am the reason he is hiding.

           People often say that I am the Mozart of my generation but that is impossible considering Mozart was the musical prodigy following my rein of the music world. I compete in competitive fly fishing and hold the record for holding the longest breath underwater in a shark tank. I conquered Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest in one day, I raced Bolt and beat him and I flew the hot air balloon I made in my shed around the world in yes, 29 not 80 days. I play the cello, harmonica and violin in my world renown one man band and I have beaten the laws of physics. I have a cat who I taught to play piano and I have a fish who I've train to breath out of water. I have also taught Muhammad Ali to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

I've seen Paris, I've seen Apollo 13's re-entry to the earth and I've even seen Benjamin Franklin discover Electricity but I have not yet seen myself walk across the stage of a University graduation. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011


     "How we going to do this?" asked Charles as he sat down beside Henry.
     Henry hissed "How many times do I have to tell you we can't talk about this in an open area. I don't want any guards or fellow convicts to over hear us."
     "I know you said we cant talk about it in the open but I just don't understand how this is going to work!" stated Charles, "How are we supposed to get over the fence? Wont a guard see us? They are always watching."
     "Well they are going to spot us now if you don't stop talking about it."
     Charles' face light up with excitement "I got an idea! How about I distract the guards when you crawl over the fence then come back to distract them while I climb over!"
     "That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard!" retorted Henry. "You want me to escape from jail then sneak back into jail while you escape? That just doesn't work."
    "Oh, well I didn't think about that part." sighed Charles
    "Hold on. You're on to something." Henry thought out loud.
    "I am?"
    Henry just smiled at Charles who looked very confused. "Yes, we need to enlist in some help. We need someone else to distract the guards while we escape."
     "Okay!" agreed Charles " Wait, who is going to help us?"
     "Well we're going to have to find someone." decided Henry as he stood up.
George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked...
     "Well," Curley's wife exclaimed "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Curley's wife inched closer to George.
     "Yes long time no see! How have you been? I haven't seen you since god knows when!" inquired George as he gave her a friendly hug.
     "Well," hesitated Curley's wife, "as you know I went to the coast to pursue my dream of acting, however I needed a job to help pay my rent and it got to much for me to handle. I burnt my candle at both ends trying to land a steady acting job yet working a normal job to pay rent so I gave up and moved back here to settled down" George stepped back stunned.
     "Woah, that is not the girl I remember. Okay I'm going to tell you something, you might not like me right now but someday you will thank me for this. You need to leave this ranch and Curley and sink your teeth back into your dream."
     "Really? Your one to talk. What happened to settling down and taking the plunge of marriage?" Curleys wife questioned.
     "Yes well there was a girl and we were engaged for a bit until she left me at the altar because she thought she could do better and ran off with the rancher's son who had a face only a mother could love. I tried to convince her to stay, I really tried but as the old swamper would say if you love something set it free."
     "Well she will come to realize that all that all that glitter is not gold when it comes to marrying a rancher's son. Believe me, I should know." said Curley's wife trying to comfort George, who had tears streaming down his face "George it will work out, there is light at the end of the tunnel."
     "Your right!" realized George. "This is just a bump in the road on the way to happiness." All of a sudden the barn door burst open.
     "You better say your prayers George. That's my wife your talking to!" Curley demanded, guns blazing, as he started to trudged over to George and his wife. "You are in hot water!"
      "You need to show him the door" whispered George to Curleys wife, "Do you really want this to be your life? Controlled by your husband?" Curley was edging closer to the two childhood friends.
     "Your right!" she whispered to George.
     "Curley!" shouted his wife "Get lost! I don't want to see you ever again! We are over!" Curley stopped where he was and looked at his wife.
     "No were not done. I'll change!" pleaded Curley "Please just don't leave me."
     "No I need to do this. I need to follow my dream." Curley's wife decided. "Lets blow this joint George." She grabbed his hand and marched out the door. When they were outside George smiled and looked at his old friend and said
"Well I guess we are back at square one."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gunter Grass

Evyn Haberstock
123 Green Ave
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 3W1

February 10, 2011

Jim Smith
Smalltown, British Columbia

Dear Sir:

First off thank you for confiding in me regarding your decision Gunter Grass. Personally I do believe that you should ignore the evidence that you have against him. In war time people act differently. Take the people of Germany, who were as well model citizens, that ratted out their own friends who were Jewish because they were afraid of what the government would have done to them if they found out they were hiding Jews. Gunter was just following orders because he feared what would have happened if he if he denied them.

Being the mayor of our village for 36 years he has done some very noticeable work for the community's benefit. Being subjected to re-election, had he not retired due to age, shows that people respect and admire him for all his efforts he has put in for the sake of the community. He has been and still is a model citizen that fellow villagers adore and inspire to be like. The empire of a factory he built out of nothing,  has profited this village very well not only providing jobs to the village people but paying them very well to increase this village's economy.

As you are aware of, there are many families in our village that have a hard time to make ends meet at the end of the month. This is always where Gunter Grass steps in and foots the bills to cover the necessary expenses. Because of his generosity not only to these families but to different charities he has saved many people from the undesirable situation of being homeless.

By outing his past not only will you crush the grandfather of several children you will affect our community. He has done so much for this village and if the people of the village know, employees wont want to work for him, affecting the economy, and people wont accept his charity leaving our village in a dire state. If you care about all the kindness he has shown for our families, friends and neighbors, show him your appreciation by keeping it a secret. Don't let his legacy be ruined by a regrettable decision in the past.

Friday, September 9, 2011

What a Year

Grade 12 is the year everyone looks forward to, it is the year when everything students dream of and wait for, happens. I however am not one of those students. This was the year I was looking forward to, until about 3 months ago. The year I was imagining was to be packed with sports, working and going out. The supposedly best year of my life involves attending long doctor appointments, working the unwanted shifts, and watching way too many games from the sidelines. Even just being a teenager is out of the question this year. For the past 2 years I was the youngest student at work, this meant I had the misfortune of always receiving the dreaded shift times. The older students left for university this summer so I was next in line for the reasonable shift times, but because I missed a summer of work all the new students are first in line for the good shifts and I am again unluckily, stuck with the unwanted shifts, that is if I can even manage to last a full shift. I live for sports. I have devoted all of my time to sports, only to find out I might not even be able to play. If I am not medically cleared to play, I truly do not know what to do with all the free time I would have. This year my intent was to hang out with my friends every weekend that I wasn't away for sports because I never really had chances to do that in the past. Now my parents rarely let me go out past 9:30pm because I am so exhausted all the time. This year I had my heart set on applying to Queens University out east. My dreams have been crushed because now I have to settle for a university close to home, if I can even achieve the grades to make it into university. This unfortunately is due to the fact that if anything critical does happens I have to be close to all of my doctors. The one thing that hasn't changed, and I’m so happy it didn’t, are my friends. It would have killed me if they abandoned me. Without them I honestly don’t know how I would have made it through this year. As much as I am not looking forward to this year it is going to be a year I will definitely not forget.