Tuesday, November 8, 2011


     An aged man was the only inhabitant at the vacant bar. As I slid up beside him and ordered a drink, he acknowledged my presence with an absent glance. The stories his steel blue eyes held could challenge a storyteller. As he turned his head and went back to staring at nothing in particular, I caught a glimpse of the hard work etched into the wrinkles he wore around his eyes. Like moths drawn to a lamp post, the cigarette smoke curled around his head. As he took a drag of his dying cigarette he sputtered out a cough and wheezed to no one in particular, "These things will kill me."
    Slowly he moved his arm, cracking with arthritis, to his cheek, and relaxed his sandpaper skin against it.  I noticed his worn out boots caked with mud and dirt, when he slumped off the stool to leave. As he limped to the door I just stared at him depressing every second as this man teetered on like a toddler learning to walk.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Collage Application

I am Evyn Haberstock, yes the Evyn Haberstock. I understand that you are wanting a list of achievements but I have an abundant amount of achievements and to go over every single one would take me about 3 years with no breaks; so to save you the time, I will just name a few.

            Perhaps you have seen any one of the James Bond movies? Those are based on my Sundays. Kobe Bryant looks to me for inspiration during our Wednesday night pick up games. The sun only comes out when I tell it to. Its hard for me to walk anywhere due to the swarming of my adoring fans, which reminds me, I still need to get a restraining order for Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. They seem to despise singers that can actually sing. I can also design clothes better then Vera Wang,  I can pick up any language in less then a day and I can find Waldo as I am the reason he is hiding.

           People often say that I am the Mozart of my generation but that is impossible considering Mozart was the musical prodigy following my rein of the music world. I compete in competitive fly fishing and hold the record for holding the longest breath underwater in a shark tank. I conquered Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest in one day, I raced Bolt and beat him and I flew the hot air balloon I made in my shed around the world in yes, 29 not 80 days. I play the cello, harmonica and violin in my world renown one man band and I have beaten the laws of physics. I have a cat who I taught to play piano and I have a fish who I've train to breath out of water. I have also taught Muhammad Ali to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

I've seen Paris, I've seen Apollo 13's re-entry to the earth and I've even seen Benjamin Franklin discover Electricity but I have not yet seen myself walk across the stage of a University graduation.